KONTEJNER | biro suvremene umjetničke prakse i Radiona.org – Zagreb Makerspace pozivaju vas na radionicu „Robotsko generativno crtanje i NFT” pod vodstvom japanskog Kazokutchi tima. Radionica će se održati u ponedjeljak i utorak, 19. i 20. rujna 2022. od 17:00 do 20:00 sati u Radioninom labu na Knežiji.
O radionici:
Polaznici radionice će napraviti stroj za crtanje pomoću kompleta robota koji Kazokutchi tim koristi u svom projektu. Komplet robota kombinacija je M5StickCPlus, malog mikrokontrolera s Wifi vezom i programabilnog putem Arduino IDE i BugC sučelja. Robot se kreće poput bube, ne radi precizne kontrole, već ima jedinstveni način kretanja. Pokušat ćemo zajedno programirati kretanje između kaosa i reda tei generirati prekrasne linije pomoću algoritma. Radionica će započeti postavljanjem razvojnog okruženja s Arduino IDE sučeljem te dizajnom i prezentacijom vaših crteža.
Nakon sesije crtanja, pokušat ćemo iskovati crtež kao NFT, uzimajući u obzir različite načine i platforme, a također ćemo razgovarati o predvidivim problemima i dobiti.
Polaznici radionice nose kući grafike i crteže koje njihov robot nacrta. Oni koji su zainteresirani za savladavanje razvojnog okruženja robota potiču se da ponesu vlastita prijenosna računala na radionicu. Moguće je posuditi ograničen broj prijenosnih računala.
Prijave na radionicu do nedjelje, 18. rujna 2022. u podne na sljedećoj poveznici: https://forms.gle/P7ax7DbSKkd3iSJi8
Radionica je besplatna.
Ciljna publika: od početnika do naprednih korisnika
Kazokutchi projekt:
Kazokutchi tim:

So Kanno
Radovi So Kanna uglavnom se temelje na robotici, poput rada „Lasermice“ u kojem rojevi robota preuzimaju rojsko ponašanje malih životinja ili rada „Senseless Drawing Bot“, crtaćeg stroja koji koristi dvostruko njihalo. Ne zanima ga savršena kontrola industrijske robotike, nego upravo nepredvidivost, organsko ponašanje, pojave, greške i buka koji su prisutni u sustavima. Stoga razvija sustave koji koriste i uzrokuju te elemente. Njegove aktivnosti zahvaćaju široko polje i uključuju instalacije koje koriste samostalno izrađene robote te performanse i radionice.
Web: https://www.kanno.so/
Akihiro Kato
Akihiro Kato je medijski umjetnik rođen 1992. Diplomirao je na Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS). Od 2021. živi i radi u Tokiju. Kombinacijom digitalnih i fizičkih medija stvara radove koji ilustriraju odnos društva i tehnologije. Neki od radova su „TRUSTLESS LIFE” i „BAIS“ koji se bave mogućnostima i izazovima društva u kojemu se blokchain tehnologija koristi u društvenim igrama, te projekt „WAN NYAN WARS,” koji prikazom borbe između psećih i mačjih frakcija propituje vrijednost NFT-a.
Web: https://akihirokato.com/
Takemi Watanuki
Takemi Watanuki stvara radove s ključnim riječima kao što su „crowd movement“, „animality“ i „artificial life“. Neki od njegovih radova su „node hands“ koji upotrebom formacije robota progovara o ispraznosti komunikacije u suvremenom dobu, te „living hakoniwa“, virtualni prostor u kojem umjetni život cirkulira kroz prehrambeni lanac.
Web: https://watakemi725.github.io/
Radionica je dio dvomjesečne rezidencije koju u suradnji s Radionom provodi udruga KONTEJNER | biro suvremene umjetničke prakse u sklopu europskog projekta EMAP – European Media Art Platform.
Vezana vijest: https://www.kontejner.org/vijesti/kako-robotima-iskovati-nft-nova-emap-rezidencija/
KONTEJNER | Bureau of Contemporary Art Practice and Radiona.org – Zagreb Makerspace invite you to the workshop “Robotic generative drawing and NFT ” led by the Japanese Kazokutchi team. The workshop will be held on Monday and Tuesday, September 19 and 20, 2022 from 5p.m. to 8p.m. at Radiona’s lab.
Let’s build a drawing machine using the robot kit that the Kazokutchi team uses in their project. The robot kit is a combination of M5StickCPlus, a small microcontroller with Wifi connectivity and programmable via Arduino IDE, and BugC, a robot that moves like a bug, not for precise control but with a unique way of moving. Let’s try to program the movement between chaos and order, and generate beautiful lines with algorithms. The workshop will start with setting up the development environment with the Arduino IDE, making and presenting your drawings.
After the drawing session, we are gonna try to mint the drawing as NFT, considering various different ways and platforms, and also will discuss foreseeable problems and profits.
- You will not be able to take home the robots, but you will be able to take home the drawings.
- Those who are interested in the robot development environment are encouraged to bring your own laptops.
- Limited number of laptops can be borrowed.
Register for the workshop by Sunday, September 18, 2022 at noon at the following link: https://forms.gle/P7ax7DbSKkd3iSJi8
The workshop is free of charge.
Target audience: from beginners to advanced users
Kazokutchi team:
So Kanno https://www.kanno.so/
His works are mainly based on robotics, such as “Lasermice,” a swarming robot that refers the swarm behavior of small animals, and “Senseless Drawing Bot,” a drawing machine that uses a double pendulum. Rather than the perfect control of industrial robotics, he is interested in the unpredictability, organic behavior, emergence, and errors and noises that systems can have, and develops systems that utilize and induce these elements. His wide-ranging activities include installations using self-made robots, performances and workshops. He often works in collaboration.
Akihiro Kato https://akihirokato.com/
Akihiro Kato is a media artist born in 1992. He graduated from the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) and since 2021 he is based in Tokyo. He creates works that depict the relationship between technology and society through a combination of digital/physical media. Works include “TRUSTLESS LIFE” and “BAIS,” which depict the possibilities and challenges of a society in which blockchain technology is applied through board games, and “WAN NYAN WARS,” a project that questions the value of NFT by depicting the battle between dog factions and cat factions.
Takemi Watanuki https://watakemi725.github.io/
Takemi Watanuki creates works with the keywords of “crowd movement,” “animality,” and “artificial life”. His works include “node hands,” which expresses the emptiness of communication in the modern age using crowd robots, and “living hakoniwa,” a virtual space in which artificial life cycles through the food chain.
The workshop is part of the two-month residency hosted by KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis in collaboration with Radiona as part of the EU project EMAP – European Media Art Platform.
Linked connection: https://www.kontejner.org/en/vijesti/kako-robotima-iskovati-nft-nova-emap-rezidencija