((( S T E A M = Science – Technology – Engineering – Art – Mathematics )))
Based on:
// Shareable & Collaborative Cultures via Workshops
// Creative and Affordable Opportunities for Everyone
// DIY & DIWO Practices including High-Low Tech Integration
// Innovative Approaches Based on Practice and Lifelong Learning
// We want: to be Inherent, Plain, Far-reaching and to Grow with Continuity
// We are into: Sustainability, Cutting Edge, Renewable and Reusable Technologies
Artists, DIY people, technicians, enthusiasts, engineers and scientists in shared playgrounds
Human beings of all generations
Inclusion, equality and participative practices for all
International Workshop Series – from the beginning of the lab this section was one of the most important to us because of the necessity to educate and introduce to our members and wider public new fields and possible intersections in new media and intermedia arts, DIY / DIWO practices. Even the way our workshops were organized was a part of designed narrative, from biology and biohacking through beginnings of electronics all the way with the support of solar and renewable energy to complex electronic circuits, microcontrollers, 3D printing, wearables, robotics, circuit bending, interactive design and programming. The future of this section is strategically oriented towards development of interaction design, robotics, device hacking and sound art.
Domestic Workshop Series – fostering and supporting domestic capacity by engaging local and regional experts and enthusiasts into the process of sharing their knowledge is the way Radiona wants to ensure sustainable and strategic development of the lab. Maintaining and investing in our own potentials always results in mutual satisfaction and provides continuity of the lab.
Hidden Secrets Workshop Series – discovering people that secretly and shyly work on their own projects in their basements, attics or even exploring serious garage sciences is one of the latest Radiona’s projects. We will continue digging through the fog of anonymity in order to present remarkable personalities that deserve our attention and are willing to share their precious knowledge and experience with new generations.
Soldering Picnic Workshop Series – public spaces and nature are definitely new shared spaces for workshops. This series of workshops also demonstrate what you can do with less, then what you can do by following guerrilla approaches to public spaces, as well as how you could spontaneously include people into the process of learning or to conduct mini workshops in the cafes.
Radiona Kids & Youth Program – kids and youngsters are often participants at our workshops for grown-ups. Therefore we have special program designed for them exclusively, but we always accept their participation at all workshops we organize or give in different occasions. Dealing with the combination of creativity, science and intermedia arts also means having child’s imagination for grown-ups, therefore we stimulate youngsters to join our lab in order to make this world a better place. We support young people from other cities too to join our lab and give them honorary membership in order to motivate them for more participation in our regular programs.