MMessy Oscillators izvode u svom prvom predstavljanju publici Karlovac Dance Festivala performans pod nazivom Impro Sound Interface – Koncert za plesače koji će se održati 29. ožujka s početkom u 21 sat na Maloj sceni Hrvatskog doma u Karlovcu.
MMessy Oscillators present for their first appearance at Karlovac Dance Festival performance titled Impro Sound Interface – Concert for Dancers which is set to take place on 29 March, 9pm at Mala scena Hrvatskog doma in the city of Karlovac.
MMessy Oscillators svirat će eksperimentalnu impro elektroniku na DIY glazbenim instrumentima stvarajući audio strukture i soundscape-ove za plesače i sve koji se žele kretati prostorom inspirirani glazbom. Proces bi nakon nekog vremena trebao postati uzajaman tj. glazbenici i plesači u dvosmjernoj će komunikaciji kreirati različite interakcije kroz improvizaciju.
Cijelo vrijeme u tom će procesu sudjelovati i VJ koji će vizualnim mapiranjem prostora stvarati nove dimenzije ekspresije za sve uključene. Cilj je ovog performansa stvoriti jednostavno i živo sučelje za sve koji sudjeluju, glazbenike, VJ-a, performere, spontane plesače i publiku.
Prema kraju izvedbe performeri i publika slobodni su pridružiti se glazbenicima i upoznati se s instrumentima, te pokušati i svirati na njima.
Nakon nastupa članovi benda MMessy Oscillators pozivaju sve zainteresirane na upoznaznavanje s DIY elektorničkim instrumentima, te neobavezno i jednostavno čavrljanje o elektronici, plesu i intermedijskim umjetnostima.
MMessy Oscillators je bend koji izvodi eksperimentalnu elektronsku glazbu. Nastao je kao ishod audio sekcije I’MM_ Media laba, te nakon formiranja Udruge za razvoj ‘uradi-sam’ kulture – Radiona nastavlja svoje aktivnosti pod djelovanjem te organizacije. Do danas je bend sudjelovao na nizu dobro primljenih umjetničkih festivala, kako u koncertnim dvoranama, tako i galerijama i muzejima u Hrvatskoj i u inozemstvu.. MMessy Oscillators uglavnom koriste DIY elektronske instrumente poput teremina, oscilatora, DIY sintesajzera i efekata, gitarskih pedala, piezoelektričnih senzora, , rabljenih elektronskih instrumenata, circuit-bent igračaka, hakiranih gadgeta, kompjuterskog trasha i slično.
MMessy Oscillators: Tin Dožić, Ana Horvat, Deborah Hustić, Vana Gaćina, Ana Dumbović
VJ-ing: Tanja Minarik
MMessy Oscillators will play experimental impro electronic with DIY music instruments creating audio structures and soundscapes for dancers and all people interested in moving through the space inspired by music. The process should become mutual after a certain amount of time meaning musicians and dancers create two-way communication creating different interactions through improvisation.
Vj-ing will also take part in the whole process by video mapping of the space creating at the same time new expressive dimension for all included. The aim of this performance is to create simple and lively interface for all participants: musicians, VJ, performers, spontaneous dancers and the audience.
Towards to the end of the concert performers and the audience are free to join the musicians in order to get an inside view to instruments and to try playing on them.
After the concert Messy Oscillators invite all interested to get an introduction with DIY electronic instruments during leisure talk and chat on electronics, dance and intermedia arts.
MMessy Oscillators is a band that performs experimental electronic music. It was created as an outcome of the audio section of I’MM_ Media lab and after the formation of the Association for the Development of ‘do-it-yourself’ Culture – Radiona / Zagreb Makerspace continues its activities under the umbrella of this organization. The band has made to date a number of well-received appearances at art festivals, concert venues and international and domestic galleries and museums. MMessy Oscillators mostly uses DIY electronic instruments like theremins, oscillators, DIY synthesizers and effects, guitar pedals, piezoelectric sensors, living systems-based instruments, vintage electronic instruments, circuit bent toys, hacked gadgets, computer trash, etc.
MMessy Oscillators: Tin Dozic, Ana Horvat, Deborah Hustic, Vana Gacina, Ana Dumbovic
VJ-ing: Tanja Minarik