S krajem listopada 2024. krećemo u pilotiranje DailyLabova za osobe koje zbog obaveza ne mogu koristiti alate, uređaje, savjete i prostor Radione u večernjim terminima.

Na DailyLab možete doći raditi na svojem projektu, trebate nešto sami popraviti, a nemate prostor ili uređaj poput osciloskopa, pa možete samo skoknuti negdje gdje to možete napraviti. Zanima vas pojedino područje, a upravo vam se otvorila mogućnost da to napravite tijekom dana.
Tome služi DailyLab.
DailyLab najavljuje se tjedan prije i prijavljujete se putem Google forme. Idući tjedan DailyLab održava se u srijedu i četvrtak, 23. i 24. listopada 2024., a prijaviti se možete ovdje: https://forms.gle/23snAScNwYDcduUJA
At the end of October 2024, we will start piloting DailyLabs for people who, due to commitments, cannot use the tools, devices, advice and space of the Radiona in the evenings.
You can come to DailyLab to work on your project, you need to fix something yourself, and you don’t have space or a device like an oscilloscope, so you can just jump somewhere where you can do it. You are interested in a particular area, and the opportunity to do it during the day has just opened up for you.
That’s what DailyLab is for.
DailyLab is announced a week before and you sign up via a Google form. Next week’s DailyLab takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 22 and 23, 2024, and you can sign up here: https://forms.gle/23snAScNwYDcduUJA