{roboti, voćke koje sviraju, sound gadgeti i nosiva tehnologija}
{robots, music fruits, sound gadgets and wearable technology}
I’MM_ Media lab započinje svoj najaktivniji mjesec do sada pod nazivom ‘I’MM_ elektroničko ludilo u svibnju! {roboti, voćke koje sviraju, sound gadgeti i nosiva tehnologija}’.
I’MM_ Media Lab starts its most active month so far with a series of events titled ‘I’MM_ Electronic Madness in May! {robots, music fruits, sound gadgets and wearable technology} ‘.
Prvo ludilo započinje izložbom ‘SoundArt/ BIOArt’ koja će se održati od 10. do 15. svibnja u Tehničkom muzeju.
Nakon toga, 18. i 19. svibnja, u Klubu SC, slijedi međunarodna radionica ‘Robot House Music Orchestra’ pod vodstvom njemačkog intermedijskog umjetnika Karl Heinz Jerona.
Istu večer, u subotu, 18. svibnja s početkom u 20 sati, u Klubu SC, dolaze nam u goste slovenski umjetnici Žiga Kranjec, Igor Križanovskij i Urban Belina koji predstavljaju svog robota Δ Lacanoid u sklopu programa ‘Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab @ I’MM_’, dok će kao dio istog programa u 21:30 sati nastupiti Theremidi Orchestra (TO) zajedno s I’MM_-ovim gostom Karl Heinz Jeronom izvodeći performans (Z)voćni mix. Nakon njihove izvedbe na scenu stupa matični I’MM_ bend MMessy Oscillators uslijed čega će svi izvođači te večeri nastupiti u zajedničkom elektroničkom impro performansu nazvanom sound battlefield.
Karl Heinz Jeron (c)
Za kraj I’MM_ proljetne sezone ubercool radionica i događanja najavljujemo prvu radionicu nosive tehnologije u Hrvatskoj pod vodstvom američke modne dizajnerice i DIY hakerice Lynne Bruning ‘e-Tekstil + elektronika’ koja će se održati 25. i 26. svibnja.
Detaljnije uskoro…
I’MM_ Media Lab starts its most active month so far with a series of events titled ‘I’MM_ Electronic Madness in May! {robots, music fruits, sound gadgets and wearable technology} ‘. First madness starts with the exhibition ‘SoundArt / BIOArt’ which is set to take place from 10 to 15 May at the Technical Museum Zagreb.
After that, on 18 and 19 of May we will host in our lab international workshop ‘Robot House Music Orchestra’ by German intermedia artist Karl Heinz Jeron.
Δ Lacanoid
On Saturday, 18 May, starting at 20hrs, at Club SC, we bring you guests from Slovenia – artists Žiga Kranjec, Igor Križanovskij and Urban Belina representing their robot Δ Lacanoid within our program ‘Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab @ I’MM_’, and as a part of the same program at 21:30 Theremidi Orchestra (TO) will play with I’MM_’s guest Karl Heinz Jeron presenting performance (Z)voćni Mix. After their performance, I’MM_ band MMessy Oscillators will give a concert as an intro to the Sound Battlefield between all participants.
Lynne Bruning
Announcing the end of I’MM_ spring season with ubercool workshops and events let us announce the first workshop of wearable technology in Croatia under the guidance of American fashion designer and DIY hacker Lynne Bruning ‘e-Textile + electronics’ , which will be held on 25 and 26 May.
More details soon …