Radiona @ Urban Manufacturing Project

Radiona / Zagreb Makerspace sudjelovala je u dvodnevnom međunarodnom događanju pod nazivom Urban Manufacturing Project 12. i 13. prosinca u Tehnološkom parku Zagreb na poziv Grada Zagreba – Ured za programe Europske Unije koji se odvija u sklopu projekta Urban M uz podršku Interreg Europe programa.

Urban Manufacturing Project okupio je predstavnike niza europskih gradova s ciljem kreiranja preporuka u svrhu stvaranja održivih projekata na području urbanog razvoja grada i maker kulture.  Prezenteri: Bruno Čok, Marina Petrović i Deborah Hustić.

Radiona / Zagreb Makerspace participated in a two-day event titled Urban Manufacturing Project on 12 and 13 December 2017 in Technology Park Zagreb invited by the City of Zagreb – DG for European Programs and Projects taking place within the project Urban M supported by Interreg Europe Program.

Urban Manufacturing Project has gathered representatives of a number of European cities with an aim of creating recommendations for sustainable projects in the areas of urban development and maker culture. Presenters:  Bruno Čok, Marina Petrović and Deborah Hustić.