Radionicom ‘CHA/V – audio-vizualni sintisajzer’ pod vodstvom američkog intermedijalnog umjetnika Jonasa Bersa najavljujemo Međunarodni festival analogne vektorske grafike – Vector Hack 2018. Radionica će se održavati u subotu i nedjelju, 29. i 30. rujna od 15 do 19 sati u Radioninom labu na adresi Kruge 48/2.
O radionici:
CHA/V (eng. Cheap, Hacky, Audio/Visual – jeftin, hackabilan, audio/vizualan) jednostavan je DIY sintisajzer kreiran kao alternativa skupim i kompliciranim video sintisajzerima, omogućujući time umjetnicima i DIY entuzijastima nisko-budžetni ulazak i upoznavanje s audio-vizualnom sintezom. Polaznici radionice će napraviti, prilagoditi svojim željama i ponijeti kućama baterijski pogonjen mikro-modularni audio-vizualni sintisajzer s hakiranim VGA priključkom.
CHA/V je idealan uređaj za ulazak u analognu video sintezu za glazbenike, elektroničare (circuit bending) i inovatore, no isto tako vrlo prikladan uređaj za apsolutne početnike u elektronici. CHA /V sintisajzer uključen je u nastavni plan i program poznat pod nazivom Zvučne prakse na Rhode Island School of Design te eksperimentalne prakse u elektroničkoj umjetnosti na Institutu za umjetnost u Clevelandu. Radionice koje koriste CHA / V tutorski program podučavaju se u Zakladi Coaxial Art u Los Angelesu, SAD, zatim na TOYZNOIZ-u u Bolzanu, Italija te u Velikoj Britaniji pri Attenborough centru za kreativne umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Sussexu.
Prijaviti se možete na e-mail do 27. rujna točno u ponoć. Svakako napišite nekoliko rečenica o sebi te navedite razloge prijave. Maksimalan broj polaznika je 15.
Kotizacija iznosi 100 kuna (detalji o plaćanju na kraju teksta)
Ciljna publika: audio-vizualni umjetnici, dizajneri, hackeri, makeri, DIY entuzijasti, elektroničari, programeri
Nivo znanja: početnici, srednji i napredni polaznici
O: Možete ga uključiti u što god želite s VGA priključkom, poput monitora (ne traži računalo) ili većinu projektora
P: A mogu li ga priključiti u računalo?
O: Da, s adapterom.
P: Piše da je pogonjen na bateriju. Mogu li ga spojiti s priključkom na struju u zidu?
O: Nema problema. Može se također pogoniti s DC adapterom od 7 do 12 Volti.
P: Cool! A da li može proizvoditi zvuk?
O: DA! Postoji i hack za to!
P: OK, ali koliko ima oscilatora?
O: Ima šest podesivih square wave oscilatora, a vi ćete ih moći prilagoditi na radionici.
P: ŠTO?! Kladim se da ga se ne može kontrolirati svjetlom, poput teremina…
O: Upravo to ćemo i raditi.
P: Ma da, ali da li mogu u to uključiti gitaru?
O: Postoji hack koji omogućuje da u sint možete uključiti što god želite. Svoju gitaru samo trebate spojiti s pojačalom i nema problema. Tako možete koristiti i mikrofon.
P: A kako s mojim modularnim sintisajzerom?
O: To bi bilo savršeno – to će vam čak i sinkronizirati VCO oscilatore.
P: Ne znam što išta od ovoga znači, no mogu li samo koristiti svoje računalo?
O: To će isto raditi jako dobro, posebno ako imate zvučnu karticu s višestrukim izlazima, ali ponavljam, ne treba vam čak ni sintisajzer ili računalo. CHA/V će raditi sasvim dobro autonomno.
P: Ovo sve zvuči sjajno, ali ne znam lemiti, mogu li svejedno doći?
O: Da, NE BRINITE, ova radionica će biti dobro mjesto gdje možete naučiti lemiti. Možda nećete imati vremena završiti cijeli projekt tijekom radionice ako ste potpuni početnici, ali ćete naučiti dovoljno da ga završite kod kuće. Lemiti je jednostavno i zabavno jednom kad se priviknete na to. A ako imate samo malo strpljenja, sve ćete srediti kako treba. Ovo je projekt gdje se početnicima praštaju pogreške.
Ako imate više pitanja, molim vas pročitajte online vodič i slobodno kontaktirajte voditelja preko web stranice.
O voditelju:
Jonas Bers (New York) medijski je umjetnik koji radi s hakiranim i DIY audio-vizualnim sistemima. Bersove video-sonifikacije jednim signalom koje izvodi na svojim performansima s uređajima za editiranje VHS-a, kamere za nadzor, starinskom opremom iz znanstvenih laboratorija i vojnim uređajima koji su bili odbačeni kao višak modificirani su i prenamjenjeni u raznoliku audio-vizualnu paletu. Zapetljani sustavi zastarjele opreme i modularnih sintisajzera korištenih za otkrivanje i pojačavanje zvučnih frekvencija unutar video signala koji pritom stvaraju snažni drone i sintetičku partituru, intuitivnu i meditativnu ilustraciju skrivenih zvučnih valova koji kreiraju elektronički video i zvuk. Rad Jonasa Bersa tematizira veze između tehnologije, osjetilne percepcije i fizičkog svemira, kao i fenomenološke aspekte sintetičkog audio-vizualnog podražaja.
Jonas Bers do sada je izvodio performanse i izlagao na mnogim međunarodno relevantnim festivalima i izložbama od kojih izdvajamo: The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale (Ghent, Belgija), Seeing Sound (VB), Télépresence at La Lumière (Montreal, Kanada), Sound + Vision pri Filmskom udruženju Lincoln Centra, NY Hall of Science, 3LD Art and Technology i Transient Visions Festival of the Moving Image. Kao umjetnik sudjelovao je na rezidencijama u programima Culture Fix i Signal Culture te kao izvođač na nadolazećem Međunarodnom festivalu vektorske grafike – Vektor Hack 2018.
Nakon potvrde od voditelja o osiguranom mjestu na radionici, plaćanje iste obavljate na sljedeći način:
– općom uplatnicom ili e-bankarstvom
– pod platitelj upišite svoje podatke (ime, prezime i adresu)
– pod primatelj upišite Udruga za razvoj ‘uradi sam’ kulture – Radiona, Kozjačka 41, 10 090 Zagreb, na račun: IBAN: HR2123600001102369684
opis plaćanja: uvijek navedite naziv radionice (Radionica CHA/V sint)
– kopiju uplatnice donosite prvi dan radionice i predajete voditeljima laba ili šaljete na e-mail prije radionice
– NAPOMENA: gotovinu NE primamo
Jonas Bers: Workshop CHA/V audio-visual synthesizer
The workshop ‘CHA/V – audio-visual synthesizer’ under the guidance of American intermedia artist Jonas Bers is annoucing the Vector Hack – International Festival of Analogue Vector Graphics which is set to take place in Zagreb from 1st to 4th of October, as well is in Ljubljana from 5th to 7th of October 2018. The workshop is scheduled on Saturday and Sunday, 29th and 30th of September from 3-5pm in Radiona’s lab, Kruge 48/2.
CHA/V (Cheap, Hacky, Audio/Visual) is a simple, inexpensive, DIY alternative to costly and complicated video synthesizers, providing artists and amateurs a low-cost, low-barrier introduction to audiovisual synthesis. Participants will build, customize, and take home a battery-powered micro-modular audiovisual synthesizer based on VGA hacking.
CHA/V is an ideal entry point into analog video synthesis for electronic musicians, circuit benders, and tinkerers but also appropriate for absolute beginners with no electronics background.
CHA/V has been included in the curriculum for Sonic Practices at Rhode Island School of Design and Experiments in Electronic Arts at Cleveland Institute of Art. Workshops using the CHA/V tutorial have been taught at Coaxial Arts Foundation in Los Angeles, California; TOYZNOIZ in Bolzano, Italy; and in the UK at the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, University of Sussex.
Apply for workshop at till midnight 27 September. Make sure you write a few sentences about yourself and the reasons for the submission. The maximum number of participants is 15.
Workshop fee: 15 EU
Target audience: AV artists, designers, hackers, makers, DIY enthusiasts, programmers
Level: beginners, intermediate, advanced participants
Q: “Will I be able to plug this into a projector?”
A: You can plug it into anything with a VGA jack, like a computer monitor (no computer required) or most projectors.
Q: “But can I also plug it into a TV?”
A: With an adapter, yes.
Q: “It says battery-powered. Could I also plug it into the wall?”
A: No problem. It can also be powered with a 7-12v DC adapter.
Q: “Cool! Does it also make sound?”
A: Yes. There’s a hack for that.
Q: “OK, but how many oscillators does it have?”
A: Six adjustable square wave oscillators, and you’ll be able to customize them at the workshop.
Q: “WHAT?! I bet you can’t control it with light, like a theremin..”
A: We’re actually going to do that too.
Q: “Yeah, but can I plug my guitar into it?”
A: Another hack would let you plug in pretty much anything you want. Your guitar would just need to be amplified, and then no problem. You could use a microphone like that too.”
Q: “What about my modular synth?”
A: That would be perfect — it will even sync your VCOs. A handful of people have built DIY CHA/V Eurorack modules.
Q: “I don’t know what any of that means, can I just use my computer?”
A: That would also work really well, especially if you have a soundcard with multiple outputs, but again, you don’t even need a synth or a computer. A CHA/V will work just fine on its own.
Q: “This sounds awesome but I don’t know how to solder, can I come anyway?”
A: Yes, DON’T WORRY, this workshop would be a good place to learn. You may not have time to finish the whole project at the workshop if you’re an absolute beginner, but you will learn enough to finish it at home. Soldering is easy and fun once you get the hang of it. If you have a little bit of patience, you’ll manage just fine. This is a forgiving project for beginners.
If you have more questions, please read the online tutorial and feel free to contact J.onas Bers via website.
Workshop leader:
Jonas Bers is a NYC based media artist who works with with hand-built and hacked audiovisual systems. Bers’ single-channel video-sonification performances incorporate salvaged VHS-era editing machines, surveillance cameras, vintage science lab equipment and military surplus devices that have been modified and repurposed into an audiovisual palette. Tangled systems of obsolete equipment and a home-made modular synthesizer are used to uncover and amplify audible frequencies within video signals, creating a stark and droning synesthetic score; an intuitive and meditative illustration of the hidden waveforms that create both electronic video and sound. Bers’ work is concerned with connections between technology, sensory perception, and the physical universe; and the phenomenological aspects of synthetic audiovisual stimulus.
Bers has performed and exhibited at The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale (Ghent, Belgium), Seeing Sound (UK), Télépresence at La Lumière (Montreal), Sound + Vision at the Film Society of Lincoln Center, the NY Hall of Science, 3LD Art and Technology, and the Transient Visions Festival of the Moving Image. He has been an artist in residence at CultureFix and Signal Culture, and will be a performer at the upcoming Vector Hack festival in Zagreb and Ljubljana.
Once you have been accepted on the workshop, make the payment as follows:
– use e-banking
– enter your details (name, last name and address)
– under the recipient write the Association for Development of ‘do-it-yourself’ Culture – Radiona, Kozjačka 41, 10 090 Zagreb, the account: IBAN: HR2123600001102369684, Swift: ZABAHR2X
– description of payment: please indicate the name of the workshop (Workshop CHA / V synth)
– Make a copy of your payment note on the first day of the workshop and submit it to the lab leaders or send it via e-mail before the workshop
– REMARK: we do NOT accept cash