Conference Creative Museum A/C/T/S successfully held in Zagreb

International project Creative Museum and successfully organized the conference titled Creative Museum A/C/T/S Zagreb 2017 at Technical Museum ‘Nikola Tesla’ on 2 March 2017 in Zagreb. The conference gathered together 134 participants from more than 80 museums, galleries, libraries, municipalities, NGOs, companies, entrepreneurs, universities,  schools, start-ups, independent experts, students, innovators, technologists and individuals.

The conference offered intensive and diverse program consisting of six conference presentations and panels, eight workshops, one collective social game and international exhibition.

Creative Museum conferences were organized so far in Dublin, Bologna, Helsinki and Brighton, but Zagreb conference organized by Radiona with the host of Technical Museum ‘Nikola Tesla’ has outnumbered the previous conferences individually.

Creative Museum A/C/T/S Conference was an international conference that presented innovative intermedia practices combined with museum and cultural sector regarding audience engagement and development, informal education which includes the international rise of the DIY and maker / hacker culture, as well as interdisciplinary and inclusive approaches to museums, galleries, cultural centers, organizations, public institutions, entrepreneurs, cooperative ventures and such. The title A/C/T/S comprises the words Art / Culture / Technology / Science and in English it also means to take action, to react, to go ahead, initiative, manoeuvre, effort, achievement.

The Creative Museum is a three-year Strategic Partnership running from 2014-2017 funded via Erasmus+, Key Action 2 (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) – Vocational and Educational Training (VET).