SRCE (Croatian word for Heart )
Live biomechatronic heart, grown with a help of Gluconacetobacter xylinus bacteria.
This technology is applicable for growing of “real” human organs (as a scaffold for growing them).
Material: As a material for growing of SRCE, microbial cellulose is used. Microbial cellulose is an experimental bio-material, grown in a bioreactor using Gluconacetobacter xylinus bacteria. As a bacterial grow medium, experimental mixture made of household “chemicals” was used.
Process of making: Live microbial cellulose, that contains living bacteria was cut, shaped and sewn in a shape of real human heart (several layers, 4 internal chambers). Live microbial cellulose was used because as a living tissue it has regenerative ability (tiny holes that where byproduct of sewing where completely regenerated in a period of 2 days). Bioreactor that contained SRCE is filled with diluted growth medium, which enables regeneration and keeps tissue alive (but does not enable larger growth).
Application: Even though SRCE does not contain living cells of human heart muscles, it can be used as a scaffold for them and by doing that theoretically grow replacement human heart (and other organs) relatively cheap and fast.
In a world leading biomedical laboratories, scientists experiment with growing of human replacement organs, and theorize about this process. Experiments with microbial cellulose as a bio-compatible material for adhesive bandages are being conducted.
If author collects enough funding for future research…. we will grow replacement organs at every home
(This post is written by Gjino Šutić aka Biotweaker and re-blogged from
Biotweaker is a tech adviser and leader of the Biohacking section @ I’MM_ Media lab in Zagreb.