member Deborah Hustic will lead a specialised design thinking training entitled How to Start a Makerspace in a Museum for the employees of the Hungarian Open Air Museum – Skanzen in Budapest, Hungary on 19th and 20th February 2024.
The Hungarian Open Air Museum is a non-profit, permanent, national institution open for the public, working in the service of society and its development. It undertakes the research of folk architecture, interior furnishings and way of life, the collection of tangible and intangible relics in the Hungarian language territory, the safeguarding of this heritage, the versatile publication of the collections and providing access based on participation to this knowledge. With its research and collection work it takes part in the protection of Hungary’s varied (multi-ethnic and religious) cultural heritage and the social and cultural development of the settlements. With the help of its exhibitions, publications, digital content, museum education and recreation programmes, by the representation of material culture, way of life and traditions and by the mediation of theoretical knowledge and practical information adaptable in everyday life it helps a better understanding and usage of folk traditions and contributes to the popularization of the Hungarian national culture at a national and an international level, and the mediation of a sustainable lifestyle based on museum knowledge. The Hungarian Open Air Museum puts great emphasis on its role as a ‘social museum’, paying attention to programs which enhance the wellbeing of different visitor segments, which help the reintegration of peripheral social groups or which enhance the understanding between people and their history.
Deborah Hustic – co-founder, creative director, curator and PM of Radiona – Zagreb Makerpsace; STEAM and environmental consultant; hybrid arts curator & media artist. Organized more than 600 workshops, conferences, exhibitions, festivals, hackathons, fairs, maker camps and events in tech and creative innovation sectors. She has taken part in numerous international and domestic exhibitions, festivals and conferences concerning DIY/DIWO, STEAM, new media and hacker/maker cultures, as well as on topics about development of art/tech/science education through workshops. Workshop facilitator for children, youth and grown-ups in the fields of creative electronics, design thinking, system innovation and eTextiles. Curated 43 domestic and international exhibitions in the fields of new media and hybrid arts. Deborah Hustic has experiences working in private sector (publishing industry, creative industries, environmental sector, ICT), non-profit (innovation, culture, art, technology) and public bodies (digital cultures, international relations, policy making, diplomacy, creative education, EU affairs, mobility, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion – refugees and Roma integration, gender equality).