OpenLab radionica pod nazivom ‘Zvuk trolova’ pod vodstvom Igora Brkića, Deborah Hustić i Damira Prizmića održat će se u utorak, 24. listopada od 15 do 19 sati u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu Zagreb.
OpenLab Workshop entitled The Sound of Trolls led by Igor Brkić, Deborah Hustić and Damir Prizmić is set to take place on Tuesday, 24 October from 3pm to 7pm at the Croatian National Theatre Zagreb.
U sklopu projekta Europski kazališni laboratorij: Drama goes digital, koji podupire program Kreativna Europa, Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu u suradnji s Radionom / Zagreb Makerspace organizira OpenLab radionicu pod nazivom Zvuk trolova u kojoj će se polaznici baviti različitim akustičkim i elektroničkim DIY instrumentima za eksperimentalnu glazbu. Polaznici će dobiti uvid u različite mogućnosti korištenja analognih i digitalnih glazbenih instrumenata. Nakon uvodnog upoznavanja s uređajima, polaznici i voditelji će zajedno kroz impro svirku raditi zvuk / glazbu na temu trolova. U drami Henrika Ibsena ‘Peer Gynt’, u petom činu u jednom trenutku kralj trolova izgovori Peeru da je zapravo cijeli život trol, a ne čovjek. Upravo iz toga razloga radionica povezuje djelatnosti hakerske, geeky kulture s mitološkim pojmom trolova i njihovom refleksijom kroz dramsko djelo, u ovom slučaju norveškog dramskog klasika Henrika Ibsena. Kroz zajednički rad, polaznici će pokušati dati zvuk trolovima koristeći vrlo širok raspon uređaja istovremeno eliminirajući strah od tehnologije i nepoznatog.
Voditelji radionice su Damir Prizmić, Deborah Hustić i Igor Brkić ( Radionica će trajati 4 sata.
S obzirom na ograničeni broj mjesta, molimo da se za radionicu prijavite na mail:
Projekt “Europski kazališni laboratorij: Drama postaje digitalna” podržan je od strane programa Kreativna Europa.
The Sound of Trolls, OpenLab Workshop
24.10. @ CNT in Zagreb
3 – 7pm
Within the project European Theatre Lab: Drama Goes Digital, which is supported by the Creative Europe programme, Croatian National Theater in Zagreb in cooperation with Radiona / Makerspace Zagreb, is organizing an OpenLab workshop “The Sound of Trolls”. In this workshop participants will be involved with various acoustic and electronic DIY instruments for experimental music. The participants will gain insight into the different possibilities of using analogue and digital music instruments. After the initial introduction to the devices, the participants and the tutors will together, through improvisation, play sound / music on the subject of trolls. In Henrik Ibsen’s “Peer Gynt”, in the fifth act, king of Trolls at one moment exclaimed to Peer that he was a troll all of his life, not a man. This workshop aims to connect the activities of the hacker, geeky culture with the mythological concept of trolls and their reflection through a dramatic work, in this case Norwegian drama classic of Henrik Ibsen. Through joint work, participants will try to give a sound to these trolls using a wide range of devices while simultaneously eliminating their fear of technology and the unknown.
Workshop will be held by Damir Prizmić, Deborah Hustić and Igor Brkić from
Project “European Theatre Lab: Drama Goes Digitial” is supported by the programme Creative Europe.
(Izvor / Source: Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Zagreb / Croatian National Theatre Zagreb)