Naša nova izložba pod nazivom ‘Zvučni hibridi – kreativna sonologija’ otvara se 9. prosinca s početkom u 20 sati u Tehničkom muzeju.
I never am really satisfied that I understand anything; because, understand it well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand about the many connections and relations which occur to me.
Ada Lovelace
PR kutak / PR corner: Letak / Poster (pdf)
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Izložba pod nazivom ‘Zvučni hibridi – kreativna sonologija’ bavi se širokim teritorijima open source kulture, hacker i maker scene zagrebajući ispod površine elektroničkog sklopa sve do sučelja koda pri tome istovremeno tematizirajući i djelovanje urbanih mikrozajednica (hackerspace, makerspace) i njihovih inovativnih pojedinaca.
Ozvučujući prostore Tehničkog muzeja izloženi radovi kao da žele s jedne strane izvirati poput prirodnih nastavaka artefakata novog doba iz same kolekcije muzeja, dok s druge strane unose u arhitekturu prostora elemente nepredvidljivosti i začudnosti, elemente nekih novih generacija stvaratelja i kreatora društvene i tehnološke stvarnosti.
Kao novi inkubatori kreativnosti i djelovanja, institucije poznate pod nazivima hackerspace, makerspace sudjeluju u stvaranju novih umreženih realiteta gdje se međusobno vrlo aktivno isprepleću umjetnički i dizajnerski oblici izražavanja elektronikom, kompleksne forme programiranja i zanatske vještine, jednom riječju discipline koje vole zamazati ruke.
Kroz robotičke zvučne objekte, nosivu tehnologiju, DIY MIDI sklopove, audio i prostorne instalacije, hakirane antikvitetne elektroničke uređaje, neuobičajene DIY glazbene instrumente i zvučne kutije predstavlja svoje nove hibridne i eksperimentalne projekte.
Na izložbi će također biti predstavljen Radionin prvi DIY sintesajzer Synthomir temeljen na ATmega mikrokontroleru kao rezultat jednogodišnjeg istraživanja i kolektivnog rada laba na temu Amplitude slike i zvuka.
Izlažu: Igor Brkić, Tomislava Borić, Tin Dožić, Ana Horvat, Deborah Hustić, Damir Jadrijević, Goran Mahovlić, Igor Petrović, Damir Prizmić, Frane Šoša, Diana Tješinski, Ivica Zdelarec
Gostujući izlagači: John Richards – Dirty Electronics (Velika Britanija), Marko Zec (Hrvatska)
Kustosica: Deborah Hustić
Oblikovanje: Ana Labudović
Popratni program
10. prosinca, 19 sati
Maker talk i prezentacija:
Modul 01: Zvučne kutije DIY MIDI
Igor Petrović: DIY MIDI uređaji Tannin i Ceylon
11. prosinca, 19 sati
Artist talk i prezentacija:
Modul 02: Tehnologija i izvedbene prakse
Barbara Matijević, Guiseppe Chico, Ivan Marušić Klif: ‘Mindcraft tutorials for brain-hacking’
Sintesajzer Synthomir dio je istraživanja koje Udruga za razvoj ‘uradi-sam’ kulture Radiona provodi u 2014. godini uz potporu Zaklade Kultura nova.
Organizator: Radiona
Partner: Tehnički muzej
Medijski pokrovitelj: Kulturpunkt
Hvala: Ana Kovačić & GMK
Podržalo Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske
Our new exhibition titled Sound Hybrids – Creative Sonology opens on 9 December at 20h in Technical Museum Zagreb.
I never am really satisfied that I understand anything; because, understand it well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand about the many connections and relations which occur to me.
Ada Lovelace
The exhibition under the title Sound Hybrids – Creative Sonology deals with wide territories of open source culture, hacker and maker scene scratching under the surface of electronic circuit all to code interface at the same time thematizing activities by urban micro-communities (hackerspace, makerspace) and their innovative individuals.
By amplifying the spaces of Technical Museum exhibited works on one side want to rise like contemporary, natural extended artifacts from the collection of the Museum, whilst from the other side they bring in space architecture elements of unpredictability and surprise, elements by some new generation of makers and creators from social and technological realms.
As new incubators of creativity and action, institutions known under names hackerspace, makerspace are taking part in creating new networked realities where are art and design ways of expression interlaced with electronics, complex forms of programming and crafts, in one word disciplines that like to get their hands dirty.
Through robotic sound objects, wearable technology, DIY MIDI, audio and space installations, hacked antique electronic devices, unusual DIY music instruments and sound boxes presents its new hybrid and experimental projects.
At the exhibition there will be also presented Radiona’s first DIY synthesizer Synthomir based on ATmega micro-controller as a result of one year research and collective work on topic Amplitude of image and sound.
Exhibitors: Igor Brkić, Tomislava Borić, Tin Dožić, Ana Horvat, Deborah Hustić, Damir Jadrijević, Goran Mahovlić, Igor Petrović, Damir Prizmić, Frane Šoša, Diana Tješinski, Ivica Zdelarec
Guests: John Richards – Dirty Electronics (UK), Marko Zec (HR)
Curator: Deborah Hustić
Design: Ana Labudović
Side program
10 December, 19h
Maker talk and presentation:
Modul 01: Sound Boxes DIY MIDI
Igor Petrović: DIY MIDI devices Tannin and Ceylon
11 December, 19h
Artist talk and presentation:
Modul 02: Technology and performative practice
Barbara Matijević, Guiseppe Chico, Ivan Marušić Klif: ‘Mindcraft tutorials for brain-hacking’
Synthesizer Synthomir is a part of the research Radiona is conducting in 2014 with support of Kultura nova Foundation.
Organizer: Radiona
Partner: Technical Museum Zagreb
Media support: Kulturpunkt
Thanks: Ana Kovačić & GMK
Supported by the Ministry of Culture of Republic Croatia