Rewilding Cultures: Summer Krinsky & Ivona Eterović artists-in-residence

U 2023. godini kao dio međunarodnog projekta Rewilding Cultures umjetnice na rezidenciji u Radioni bit će Summer Krinsky (SAD) i Ivona Eterović (Hrvatska). Rezidencija započinje 12. svibnja godine i završava 14. lipnja 2023. te se realizira se u sklopu programa Kreativna Europa.

In 2023, as part of the international Rewilding Cultures project, the artists in residence at Radiona will be Summer Krinsky (USA) and Ivona Eterović (Croatia). The residency starts on May 12 and ends on June 14 2023, it is a part of the Creative Europe program.


(For English please scroll down)

Tijekom rezidencije, Summer i Ivona će komponirati zajednički EP. Kroz izradu EP-ija žele spojiti različite žanrove poput detroit tehna, math rocka, eksperimentalne elektronike, noise,a grimea, trapa, ambijentalne glazbe, post rocka, alternative, popa itd. Ideja iza projekta je stvaranje novog blenda između analognih instrumenata poput akustičnih bubnjeva i električne gitare, te digitalnih zvukova koje ima sintisajzer i različiti DAW-ovi.

Summer Krinsky je kompozitorica, multi-instrumentalistica, producentica, audio inženjerka i creative coder iz Detroita. Pod umjetničkim imenom Summer Like The Season, Summer često nastupa paralelno na različitim instrumentima na koje slaže različite efekte, vokale i perkusije čime stvara svoju originalnu glazbu. ”Istraživajući teme cyborg ere”, ona stvara glazbu koja se nalazi na rubu između instrumentacije uživo i suvremene elektronike i ”koja se bavi temama digitalne privatnosti, nadgledanja i etičnosti”. Prava DIY glazbenica čija glazba inovira post-rock svijet.

Ivona Eterović (tonota) glazbena je producentica, kompozitorica i psihologinja iz Zagreba. Ivonina je umjetnička karijera obilježena samostalnim i kolaborativnim radom fokusiranim na stvaranje specifičnog i svježeg zvuka s introspektivnim predznakom i multidimenzionalnim emotivnim nabojem. Kao producentica i izvođačica kombinira elemente ambijentalne i bass muzike s analognim i digitalnim sound designom. Ivona ne želi ostati koncentrirana na jedan žanr, već pronalazi afinitete u ambijentalnoj i eksperimentalnoj klupskoj elektronici, hip hopu, popu, ali i stvaranju pozadinske glazbe za film i predstave. 

Rewilding Cultures (RC) je projekt suradnje unutar programa Kreativne Europe koji želi repozicionirati “divljinu” unutar različitih područja umjetničkih praksi povezanih sa znanošću i tehnologijom. Budući da je europski kulturni sektor bio i još uvijek je pod utjecajem višestrukih naknadnih i koincidencijalnih kriza (uključujući COVID-19, inflaciju izazvanu ratom, migraciju), moramo ponovno “divljati” prema uvjetima koji odgovaraju sadašnjosti i budućnosti.


During this residency Summer and Ivona will make an EP together. This EP will combine different genres such as detroit techno, math rock, experimental electronic, noise, grime, trap, ambient, post rock, alternative, pop and so on. The idea behind a project is to find a new blend between analog instruments such as acoustic drums and electric guitar and digital sounds such as synths and DAWs. EP will be released on a foreign label.

Photo: Summer Krinsky (c)

Summer Krinsky is a Detroit based composer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, audio engineer and creative coder. Under the artist name Summer Like The Season, Summer often performs multiple instruments at once while layering effects, vocals and percussion to create original music. “Exploring themes of this cyborg era,” she makes music that traces the edge between live instrumentation and contemporary electronics and “that considers themes of digital privacy, surveillance, and ethics”,  A true DIY musician whose music innovates a post-rock world.

Foto: Ivona Eterović by Vladimira Spindler (c)

Ivona Eterović (tonota) is a music producer, sound designer and psychologist from Zagreb, Croatia. Ivona’s artistic career has been marked by individual and collaborative work, focused mainly on creating specific and fresh sound with an introspective element and a multidimensional emotional charge. As a music producer and performer she combines the elements of ambient and bass music with sounds acquired through field recording and digital sound design. In her work, Ivona does not restrain herself to one particular genre, rather tries to find inspiration in both ambient and experimental club music, hip hop, pop as well as contemporary art and background music for films and theatre.

Rewilding Cultures (RC) is a Creative Europe collaboration project which wants to reposition the wild within the field of art practices connecting to science and technology. As the European cultural sector has been and still is affected by multiple subsequent and coincident crises (incl. COVID-19, war-induced inflation, migration) we need to rewild on terms fit for the present and future.