Radionica restauriranja Dr. Böhm Professional 2000 orgulja

Druga interna radionica restauriranja Dr. Böhm Professional 2000 orgulja pod vodstvom Krešimira Antolića održat će se u subotu, 15. veljače u Kavezu (I’MM_ Media lab), Klub SC, s početkom u 14 sati. Radionica je otvorena za javnost.


Nakon prve radionice kada su orgulje upogonjene i testirane, ustanovljene su greške na kojima će polaznici grupe i vlasnici orgulja nastaviti kontinuirano raditi i dalje, te na restauriranju instrumenta.

Tehnički voditelj grupe je Goran Mahovlić. Na radionici polaznici će uz pomoć ultrazvučne kade čistiti elektroničke komponente, blokove s efektima, popravljati neispravne tipke i sl.

Detaljnije o prethodnoj radionici ovdje


The second internal workshop for restoration of Dr. Böhm Professional 2000 Organ will be led by Kresimir  Antolic and is set to take place on Saturday, 15 February in Kavez (I’MM_ Media Lab), SC Club, 2pm. The workshop is open for the public.

After the first workshop when the organ was tested, participants found few hardware errors and they will continue an ongoing work on the restoration of this instrument.

It was decided within the group that technical leader of the group will be Goran Mahovlic. At the workshop participants will clean electronic components and sound effects blocks with the help of ultrasonic cleaner, then to repair few faulty keys, etc.

Read more about the previous workshop here