Project Rewilding Cultures with its international camps of which Radiona’s camp Electric Wonderland is also part will be presented at the International Conference TTT – TABOO – TRANSGRESSION – TRANSCENDENCE in Art & Science in Malta. The TTT Conference is taking place from 27 to 29 September in the Malta Society of Arts in Valleta.

Deborah Hustic from Radiona will partake the panel Rewilding Cultures? jointlu with panelists Uros Veber (panel moderator), Barbara Scherfig, Dalila Honorato, Ewen Chardronnet, Marta de Menezes, Piritta Puhto, Rüdiger Wassibauer, curated by Rewilding Cultures Consortium (RC/EU).

The camp Electric Wonderland and Radiona will be also presented in the showcase space jointly with Projekt Atol (coord.), Makery, The Culture Yard, Schmiede, Bioart Society, Cultivamos Cultura, Ionian University (Slovenia, France, Denmark, Austria, Finland, Portugal, Greece and Croatia).

More detailed program here:

The international conference Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science (TTT) is an interdisciplinary and nomadic event, where both practitioners as well as theorists present and discuss the status of art-science and/or art & technology. TTT has been hosted in Greece (2016-2017), Mexico (2018), Austria-Online (2020) and Malta (2023). Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science (TTT) conferences lasts three days and gather approximately 170 speakers from more than 30 different countries following peer-reviewed selection of abstracts. TTT, created by Dalila Honorato, is based on the support of a large informal network of international researchers and practitioners that develop their activities at the edge of art and science intersections. Since its beginning TTT seeks to provide a comfortable setting for the interaction of its participants and the attendants at the institution hosting it. The major outcome of the conference is the publication of its proceedings in the peer-reviewed journal Technoetic Arts published by Intellect and an open-access book with ISBN number by the Ionian University Publications.

Co-funded for the first time by the Ionian University and the European Union, TTT2023 Malta is being organized within the framework of the project Rewilding Cultures (2022 – 2026) by the Feral Labs Network under Creative Europe. Thanks to this project, TTT is extending its activities beyond the conference, to include a series of workshops and residencies, TTTlabs and TTTfellows. The project is coordinated by Projekt Atol (SI) with partners Makery (FR), The Culture Yard (DK), Schmiede (AT), Bioart Society (FI), Cultivamos Cultura (PT), Ionian University (GR) and Radiona (HR).