Radiona @ SPVH Conference – MSU Zagreb

Radiona sudjeluje u programu međunarodne interdisciplinarne konferencije o tehnologiji, politici, umjetnosti, energiji i održivosti – SPVH – Obnovljiva energija / Obnovljiva kultura koja će se održati 29. i 30 studenoga u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Deborah Hustić, Gjino Šutić i Davor Jadrijević predstavit će aktivnosti laba, te govoriti o područjima kojima se pojedinačno bave.

Detaljnije ovdje:

Radiona is taking part in the programme of the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Technology, Politics, Art, Energy and Sustainability – SPVH – Renewable Energy / Renewable Culture which is set to take place on 29 and 30 November in the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb. Deborah Hustic, Gjino Sutic and Davor Jadrijevic will talk about the lab and present their work and activities.

More details:


Brief history on I’MM_ Media lab in the context of DIY, DIWO and open source cultures.
Development of newly founded as an aggregator of diversities in the fields of art, science and technology. – 6 minutes
Education in all forms (formal and informal) as the most powerful tool for development of local scene. Inter-sector and international networking with organizations, hackerspaces, galleries and museums. – 6 minutes
Projects done so far and the future of the lab – 3 minutes
Distributed renewable energy; Microbial fuel cells & semi-organic solar cells – 5 minutes
Renewable energies, Peltier experiment – 5 minutes

For presentations by Deborah Hustić, Gjino Šutić and Davor Jadrijević please click here