Radiona @ DORS / CLUC sudjeluje u predavačkom i izlagačkom dijelu ovogodišnjeg izdanja DORS / CLUC međunarodne konferencije koja se održava od 31. svibnja do 2. lipnja na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva. DORS/CLUC skraćeni je naziv za Dane otvorenih računarskih sustava / Croatian Linux Users’ Convention.

DORS/CLUC je središnja, najveća, najposjećenija i najstarija hrvatska manifestacija iz područja: otvorenih sustava, operacijskih sustava GNU/Linux, otvorenih normi u Informatici i open source filozofije.

Dugogodišnju tradiciju održavaju udruge HrOpen (Hrvatska udruga za otvorene sustave i Internet) i HULK (Hrvatska udruga Linux korisnika) kao suorganizatori konferencije.

Ove godine Radiona se predstavlja kroz tri predavanja:
Blentaphone Gorana Mahovlića,  Creativity + Technology + Art + Science + Culture Deborah Hustić i Video accelerator in 466 lines of VHDL for soft-core processor F32C Davora Jadrijevića.

Za detaljan raspored bacite pogled ovdje: detaljnije opise predavanja provjerite ovdje:


Radiona.orgis taking part with lectures and exhibition within the program of this year’s edition of DORS / CLUC international conference which is set to take place from 31 May to 2 JUne, 2017 at the Faculty for computing and engineering.

DORS/CLUC – Dani otvorenih računarskih sustava / Croatian Linux Users’ Conference – is the oldest and biggest regional conference that covers free and open source software, open standards, and the Linux operating system. For the last 23 years, DORS/CLUC has brought together many prominent individuals and companies from the free and open source software community.

The conference is coordinated by HrOpen and HULK, two non-profit organizations that tirelessly work to promote open technologies and encourage their application in everyday life.

This year Radiona will be presented through three lectures:
Blentaphone by Goran Mahovlić,  Creativity + Technology + Art + Science + Culture by Deborah Hustić and Video accelerator in 466 lines of VHDL for soft-core processor F32C by Davor Jadrijević.

For more detailed schedule check here:
For details on lectures and speakers click here: