MMessy Oscillators @ EEII’13 Festival

MMessy Oscillators nastupaju u večernjem audio programu festivala EEII’13 – Eksperimentalne elektroničke intervencije koji će održati u subotu, 1. lipnja s početkom u 21 sat, u čakovečkoj galeriji Scheier. Večer eksperimenta i improvizacije započinje nastupom Tina Dožića & Krune Jošta. MMessy Oscillators za tu će priliku svirati impro soundtrack filma koji će projicirati tokom svog nastupa. O kojem će filmu biti riječ publika će saznati na nastupu. U Čakovcu za MMessy Oscillators nastupaju: Tin Dožić, Ana Horvat, Deborah Hustić i Želimir Schauer.  Koncert možete pratiti sutra na sljedećoj adresi:

MMessy Oscillators will perform in the evening audio program of EEII’13 Festival – Experimental Electronic Interventions which is set to take place on Saturday, 1 June, 9pm, at Gallery Scheier in Čakovec. The night of experiments and improvisations starts with concert by Tin Dožić and Kruno Jošt.  For this occasion MMessy Oscillators will play impro soundtrack for film screening during the concert. The audience will find out during the performance which film is to be covered with a score. MMessy Oscillators will play in the following set up at the EEII’13: Tin Dožić, Ana Horvat, Deborah Hustić and Želimir Schauer. Follow the live stream of the concert here:
