Radionica ‘Igranje s tranzistorima’ naziv je sljedećeg Lemnog piknika br. 4 pod vodstvom Igora Brkića, koji će se održati u subotu, 24. kolovoza u kafiću Jutro, Teslina 9 (u dvorištu) s početkom u 16 sati.
Na radionici će polaznici naučiti kako napraviti jednostavan elektronički uređaj uz pomoć tranzistora koji se uključuje dodirom, poput touch tipki za pokretanje motorčića, uključivanje oscilatora ili paljenje LED dioda.
Igranje s tranzistorom zbog jednostavnosti sklopa nema granica, pa se polaznici mole da ponesu sa sobom jednu bateriju od 9V i nešto žice, dok su alati i ostale elektroničke komponente osigurane. Radionica je besplatna i funkcionira po drop-in principu.
Ilustracija preuzeta s (c)
Workshop ‘Playing with Transistors’ is the title of our next Soldering Picnic No. 4 under the guidance of Igor Brkic, which will be held on Saturday, 24 August at 4pm in Jutro coffee shop, Teslina 9 (in the court).
At the workshop the participants will learn how to make a simple electronic device with the help of transistors, such as touch buttons for switching and triggering motors, oscillators and LEDs.
Because of its simplicity playing with transistors has no limits and participants are kindly asked to bring with themselves one 9V battery and some wire, while other electronic components and tools are provided. The workshop is free of charge and functions as a drop-in class.