Hackathon Hyper Machines

Radiona.org organizira u sklopu događanja European Maker Week u subotu, 4. lipnja hackathon pod nazivom Hyper Machines koji će se održavati od 15:00 do 01:00 sati u Radioninom labu. Hackathon Hyper Machines posvećen je CNC uređajima, 3D printerima (RepRap i Ultimaker), FPGA tehnnologiji i Raspberry Pi-ju koji će biti organiziran po principu drop-in sudjelovanja i potpuno besplatan.

Radiona.org is organizing Hackathon Hyper machines within the international event titled European Maker Week. Our hackathon is set to take place on Saturday, 4 June between 3pm and 1am in the lab. Hackathon Hyper Machines is an event dedicated to CNC machines, 3D printers (RepRap and Ultimaker), FPGA and Raspberry Pi designed like an open lab with drop-in approach.

Zombie Army 3D Print Failure by Fred Kahl (cc)
From the flickr gallery The Art of 3D Print Failure


Sudionici hackathona mogu se pridružiti kojem god timu žele kako bi sastavili jedan Ultimaker, naučili kalibrirati napredne i hibridne 3D printere / CNC strojeve u jednom, saznali sve o složenoj FPGA tehnologiji u praksi ili jednostavno upogonili Raspberry Pi operativni sustav. Hackathon Hyper Machines jednako je otvoren početnicima, srednjem nivou znanja i super naprednim sudionicima, jednako kao i ljudima koji jednostavno žele doći zbog druženja, umrežavanja i izmjene iskustava vezanih uz svoje (ne)uspješne maker projekte. Idemo open source-ati neki hardver i softver!

Participants of our hackathon can enter various teams in order to assemble one plexi Ultimaker, or learn how to calibrate advanced RepRap 3D printer or various DIY CNC machines, learn how to work with complex technology like FPGA or to simply set-up Raspberry Pi operating system in order to make it workable. Hackathon Hyper Machines is equally opened to beginners, intermedia and super advanced participants, as well to people willing just to network and exchange experience on maker (un)projects. Let’s open source some hardware and software!