Feral Labs Node Book #1

The Feral Labs Node Book #1 is launched and available in printed and PDF version! The book is consisted of essays by Luis Campos, Stefanie Wuschitz, Rosemary Lee, Xavier Fourt with foreword by Uroš Verber, and interviews with Feral lab camps producers / curators Tina Malinšek, Majken Overgaard, Deborah Hustic, Erich Berger, Rüdiger Wassibauer, Uroš Veber and Ewen Chardronnet. Feral Labs Network is about camps and residence in nature thematizing art, science, nature and technology.

Visual identity by Mina Fina—Ee, GIF designed by Jure Lavrin

Feral Labs is the international project initiated and coordinated by Projekt Atol Institute (Slovenia) in partnership with Digital Art International – Makery (France), Helsingør Kommune – Catch (Denmark), Schmiede Hallein – Verein zur Förderung der digitalen Kultur (Austria), Bioart Society (Finland) and Association for Development od ‘do-it-yourself’ Culture – Radiona – Zagreb Makerspace (Croatia).

Feral Labs – a network of temporary dislocated hubs for research in art, technology and communities (2018 – 2021) was co-funded wothin the framework of Creative Europe.

This Node Book includes the interviews which present each partner’s rationale behind individual Feral Labs, how each of them came to be, how their physical spaces shape their content and also how we have adapted our activities to the summer of 2020, which drastically tested the resilience of our Feral Labs, not just by reducing the scope of travel, but also by the precarity induced by the constantly shifting measures and plans. A year that felt wilder than the most Feral plans, a year that mostly kept us all home-bound, but luckily allowed a small window, a chance to adapt and, nevertheless, proceed. It also includes four essays commissioned for this publication, which help us address some of the key notions of our project: ferality, alternative learning environments and resilience. In between one will find photos that offer glimpses into our Feral processes. While Campos’ essay examines different notions of going feral, Stefanie Wuschitz analyses how to accomplish independence through interdependence, collective practice and mutual self-care, and investigates the importance of non-formal learning. The remaining two essays reflect on resilience but approach the topic from very different angles; Rosemary Lee examines the notion of resilience in the world of machine learning, while the closing chapter by Xavier Fourt presents a speculative investigation which suggests leads for future resilient micro-systems and experimental territories. The many AIR programmes that could have filled a whole new Node Book are summarised at the very end of the publication. (excerpt from the Introduction by U. Veber)

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Table of contents

(Source: https://www.ferallabs.net/)