EW2024 Scholarship for Women

Are you interested in the combination of technology, art, science and culture? Are you between 20 and 32 years old? Heading for a camping trip in the mountains? You want to participate in the international maker/hacker camp Electric Wonderland 2024, but you are a little short on the budget this year due to the higher costs of rent, utilities, living and everything.

Visuals: Ivan Klisurić Klis & Damir Prizmić

OK, we have a solution. Apply for a travel and ticket scholarship to Electric Wonderland Camp 2024.

We don’t really care about your background or (in)experience in the many areas we cover. It is important to us that you are an open and positive person, regardless of whether you are inverted or extroverted.

If you like camping.

And you definitely want to contribute to cultural, social and technological diversity.

Electric Wonderland is an international camp in Camp Velebit in Baški Oštarije, where we deal with a combination of hybrid arts, STEAM culture and DIY/DIWO/DITO practices. The camp will gather artists, scientists and technology geeks from all over the world and is intergenerational in nature. DIY workshops for making musical instruments and devices, biohacking, kitchen labs, interactive objects, eTextiles, robotics, solar technology and the use of other renewable sources, recycling techniques, etc. will be held in various hybrid forms. In 2024, we also plan to put a special focus on physical culture and maintenance of balance and good form of hackers.

Everyone who participates in the camp at some point becomes part of the team for certain activities – help with organizing equipment for workshops or individual labs, taking care of organizing breakfast, helping kitchen masters with washing dishes, etc. However, at the camp, we primarily maintain a culture of caring for each individual crockery and cutlery for food after meals, as well as about glasses, etc., and about the equipment we all use.

Camping on the mountain means that in ideal weather the days are warm/hot and the nights are alpine cooler.

EW2024 takes place from July 22 to 28, 2024.

If that’s all cool to you, send your application here: https://forms.gle/m1w6YgCs7pRB62YJA until March 22, 2024.