Restauracija i makeover Dr. Böhm Professional 2000 orgulja nastavlja se u subotu, 22. veljače s početkom u 14 sati u Kavezu – Klub SC, Studentski centar kao dio programa Open lab kojem se mogu pridružiti svi zainteresirani. Tehnički voditelj grupe je Goran Mahovlić. Uskoro detaljnije o cijeloj priči s našim orguljama. Više o prethodnim radionicama ovdje
Restoration and makeover of Dr. Böhm Professional 2000 organ continues on Saturday, 22 February, starting at 2pm in the Cage – Club SC, Student Center as a part of the Open lab program for all interested participants. Technical leader of the group is Goran Mahovlic. Soon more details and the story about our organ. More about the previous workshops here
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