Radiona – Rezidencijalni lab / Residence lab

Od 1. siječnja započela je s realizacijom programa Prostori slobodnog djelovanja za koji je udruga dobila sredstva Zaklade Kultura nova postajući time prostor kulture i omogućujući umjetnicima, kreativcima i elektroničarima da koriste lab kao rezidencijalni studio. U skladu s time rad laba kreće s radom 1. veljače na adresi Kruge 48 / 2 kat u redovno vrijeme programa Openlab – utorkom od 20 sati i subotama od 18 sati. Detaljniji raspored po grupama i danima slijedi tokom veljače.


As of January 1 begun with the implementation of the program Free Action Spaces for which the association has received funding from the Foundation Kultura nova, thus becoming a new center of culture and allowing artists, creative people and electronic engineers to use the lab as a residential studio. Accordingly to that the lab starts working on February 1 at the new address Kruge 48/II in regular time within the program Openlab Tuesdays from 20h and Saturdays from 18h. A more detailed schedule divided by groups will follow in February.